I've been reading C. H. Spurgeon's autobiography recently and I must say, it is by far the best reading I've ever done in the biographical genre. As you probably already know, Spurgeon was an amazing communicator. His ability to communicate clearly and powerfully was not limited to his sermons, but spilled over into his publishing as well. Here are a couple of gems that I have enjoyed up to this point.
An account from his school days at Stockwell School:
"After I had once succeeded in gaining my position at the top of the class, I was careful to retain it, except at one particular period, when I made up my mind to get right down to the bottom. My teacher could not understand my unusual stupidity, until it suddenly occurred to him that I had purposely worked my way from the head of the class, which was opposite a draughty door, down to the foot, which was next to the stove. He therefore reversed the position of the scholars, and it was not long before I had again climbed to the place of honour, where I had also the enjoyment of the heat of the fire."
An account of a conversation with his mother:
"My mother said to me, one day, 'Ah Charles! I often prayed the Lord to make you a Christian, but I never asked that you might become a Baptist!' I could not resist the temptation to reply, 'Ah, mother! the Lord has answered your prayer with His usual bounty, and given you exceeding abundantly above what you asked or thought.'"
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