Sin is a liar.
This is a lesson I have been trying to learn for many years. I have known the truth of this statement since I first became a believer, but yet, I find that I must struggle daily to remember that it is true. It is not a difficult concept to grasp. It is not some "secret knowledge" that one must possess. Rather, the fact that sin is a liar is revealed on almost every page of scripture. And yet, I am too often led away by its deceitfulness.
The writer of Hebrews understood this truth. In 3:12-13 he says, "Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called 'today,' that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." The writer understood that the deceitfulness of sin was a real and present danger for his hearers. If we, as the body of Christ, do not exhort one another daily, we will become gullible, believe the lies of sin, and harden our hearts to the truths of the gospel.
I believe that the number one reason I sin, the number one reason you sin, is because I am so incredibly gullible! I do not preach the truth of the gospel to my own heart. Instead, I allow sin to whisper lies into my minds all day long. Sin promises pleasure, fulfillment, comfort, security, ease, joy, renown, recognition, friendship, LIFE. Sin promises your best life now! Why wait? Why put of "pleasures" in the here and now in the hope that you will receive them in the next life? Sin can deliver them right this moment!
But this is sin's biggest lie of all. Sin promises life, fulfilled life, your best life now! But what does Scripture say? "For the wages of sin is death..." (Rom 6.23), "If you live according to the flesh you will die..." (Rom 8.13). The truth of Scripture blasts darkness dispelling light into the deceitful promises of sin. Sin tells us, "Indulge in me and you will know what it's like to live!" Scripture tells us, "If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."
Remember our first parents next time sin tries to deceive you. The serpent promised life and knowledge. But what did they get? Death. Oh sure, they got knowledge, but not the kind they were hoping for. They wanted the knowledge of good and evil in a hypothetical sense. What they got instead was the knowledge of good and evil in an experiential sense! Remember the lie of the serpent. Remember he told Eve, "you will not surely die," even though he knew full well that sin would ultimately result in death. Remember that next time sin comes to call at your door. Remember that it cannot fulfill its promises. Remember that sin is a liar.